Sunday, 23 September 2012

Trout-Speare'd at Syon Park

(adapted of course from Shakespeare's famous sonnet)

Shall I compare thee to a rainbow trout?
Thou art more lovely and more hard to catch
Rough winds do make the casting bloody hard,
And you know who hath all to short a tippet
Sometime too, hot the water of Syon Park lies, 
And often is his fishy movements dimm'd; 
And every fly or buzzer has been tried
On knots so caref'ly dressed and trimm'd;
But thy eternal frustration shall fade
As thou gain'st possession of that thou owest; 
Nor shall The Rod brag thou wander'st in his shade, 
When in eternal lines around the pond thou playeth: 
So long as men can cast or eyes can see, 
So long lives smoke, and this gives taste to thee.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Walthamstow Reservoir, Part Two

(If you have not read Part One of the Walthamstow Reservoir report, I urge you to do so now before continuing, by clicking here)

So, how much a new cap can lift a man's mood!  I started the day's fishing today with Exuberant Confidence.  It was not long until I was rewarded with my first fish:
A 'Minkie' fly, with fish attached.
Now, they say that good things come in small packages...  Indeed, although not likely to provide much physical sustenance this catch did yield a great feast of satisfaction for me - because it is in fact the first fish that I have caught on a fly that I have tied myself!  The Minkie is made with real mink fur, and looks a lot fluffier when it is not wet and out of the water.

I would like at this point to say thank you to Ray, the lovely chap from whom I acquired the fly tying kit.  It has been a source of great enjoyment for me and I am looking forward to many more successful outings armed with a battery of home-made flies (for better or worse!!)

Fortunately the fish above was travelling with protection, in the form of a brute of a trout roughly two pounds in weight.  In terms of gratification, though, this fish weighed many tonnes because it is the First Non-Miniscule fish that I have caught on a fly that I tied myself!  
Brute of a Trout (left), close-up of fly in mouth (right)

So, it seems the scales were tipped my way today.  To balance my fortune, however, someone had to pay and at about 5pm one of the other anglers fell in the reservoir.  He survived, but went home "with the hump"

I went home with the trout, and served hot smoked trout to my darling wife for dinner.

- Mike "The Wandering Rod"

The Pit, the Pendulum and Walthamstow Reservoir

Not six miles from from my weathered front door step in foggy, smoggy, groggy London Town lies the deep and mysterious water of Walthamstow Reservoir.  Verily, it is picturesque!

That brooding neo-Edwardian building on the right above ... is the loo.  A crystal clear stream meanders along the approach to the lake... Oh how my striking arm twitched at the thought of the bountiful harvest of trout awaiting me!

Pleased I was too, to be sporting my new tweed cap.  English trout are known to have discerning tastes in anglers.

Now, we must pause a moment.  We must pause, and I must be honest - this is not the first time that I have been to this place.  In fact ... with the upbeat tone I have struck so far in my writings to you today, you will almost certainly have quite the wrong impression....

Because, you see, Walthamstow Reservoir, is actually something of a soul destroying-ly challenging water to fish.  And today was the fifth time that I have visited this cursed place, since I last wrote.  Each time I swear to myself I will never succumb to the temptation of proximity again... to never again believe the gravelly words of the emptied out, hollowed anglers that I have met:"When it's good, it's gooood" they drawl..   What is good??  Not drowning?!

Admittedly I did have success on a previous visit to these dark waters...   It was the fourteenth of July - a date I won't quickly forget...

I arrived at 9 o'clock on the morning, for a nice early start.  I was prepared for the rain that was forecast (and that arrived).  I was prepared with a packed lunch, in case I wanted to carry on into the afternoon.  I was most solicitously prepared, for anything....  Anything, except:  twelve hours of fruitless, frustrating, barren casting before - just when I was about to impale myself on my 6-weight rod - the acrid waters expelled a demigorgon onto my hook:

Devil Spawn of Walthamstow
Why give a broken man such false glimmers of hope! Why!!

The fly I caught it on?  Resemble a crucifix, did it? Not quite ... after trying every respectable fly in my box at least two or three times during the course of that torturous day, at 9.30pm I decided I might as well try "the orange thing" that had come into my possession on the last trip to Scotland, fishing with Dr Pip.  It was from the hut at Loganlea reservoir, wherein we were paying our fees when a bearded man lept from the couch to my side, and whispered into my ear "You'll be wanting one of theeese, laddie".  His crooked finger was pointing at a box of large, garish orange lures...

I would not be surprised to learn that Loganlea doesn't actually have a hut.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

It's a boy!

Everyone seems to be having babies
Wally Wimple 7lb (left) and Finny McGill 7lb 4oz (right)

The Wandering Rod's latest offspring, pictured on the right above, was delivered without incident at approximately 2pm on Sunday 6 May 2012.  

The bouncing baby trout was lured from it's motherly waters at Syon Park on a size 14 Pheasant Tail, with Rio Powerflex 6.4lb tippet.  Clearly, the time invested practicing and testing knots paid off.

Verily, the manor is picturesque!

There were six deliveries that day, for a total weight of 18lb 8oz.  The Rod was able to practice his delicate and attentive playing technique:

At one point both Mr L. and The Rod were delivering at the same time, as can be seen in the photo below!

The fun over with, the work began and the various takings were converted into fillets, smoked trout pate and baked delicacies of various types.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

An experimental analysis of leader-tippet-fly knots

Oh we'll just "test some knots at the pub"? - well smack me in the face with a wet trout and call me the Sally, the devil IS in the details!  After considerable experimentation we eventually derived an apparatus that could be used to reasonably consistently measure knot breaking strengths:

Figure 1 - The Apparatus

The elements of the apparatus are described as follows...

The Test Subject

Figure 2 - The Test Subject

The test subject consists of a length of leader and a length of tippet, attached to each other by a certain 'leader-tippet' knot, as detailed below.  At either end of this line a fly hook is attached - at the tippet end to allow the tippet-hook knot to be tested, and at the leader end for convenience in order that the test subject may be mounted and dismounted from the apparatus with ease.

The Safety Line

Asides from, of course, wearing suitably thick brimmed eye protection, further safety measures were necessitated as we quickly discovered that upon breaking, the fly hooks were indeed flying all over the kitchen and becoming increasingly difficult to recover as the light of the day faded.  In the image below you will see the tippet-fly knot and two blue backing lines attached to the hook - one is the safety line (hanging loose), and the other is the loop that is attached to the bass bag below:

Figure 3 - Tippet-hook and safety line detail

The Weights

For weights, we needed a selection of uniformly weighted items that could be added to the bass bag relatively easily.  The Gold Flash Damsel insisted that it would be more realistic to use trout.  After much debate we settled upon cans of tomatoes (400g), pears (220g) and beans (200g).

Figure 4 - The weights

Calibration of the Weights

The weights advertised on the cans did not of course include the weight of the can itself, so we established an order in which the weights would be added, and used a luggage scale to measure the cumulative weight of the cans and the bass bag

WeightTest 1Test 2Test 3
2 Tomato1.101.071.10
2 Tomato, 1 Pear1.341.351.35
2 Tomato, 2 Pear1.621.631.65
2 Tomato, 3 Pear1.911.901.91
2 Tomato, 4 Pear2.17**
2 Tomato, 5 Pear2.472.43*
2 Tomato, 5 Pear, 1 Bean2.75**
2 Tomato, 5 Pear, 2 Bean3.01**

Table 1 - Weight calibration

* the results of these measurements were not collected due to rum-distraction

Now, of course you, the illustrious reader, have noticed something awry and suspicious about the numbers above! Yes, it is true - the luggage scale does not appear to be entirely linear in its measurement!  The average incremental weight of pear cans 1,2 and 3 are 257g, 287g and 273g respectively.  We repeated the test several times with the cans in different order to confirm this astonishing result.

Experimental Method

The test subject is mounted in the complete apparatus as shown in Figure 1.  The intrepid angler then carefully adds weights to the bass bag until the line breaks

Figure 5 - The Wandering Rod's experimental technique

While recording Mr L's experimental technique, by a stroke of the most unexpected and gratifying luck, we did in fact capture an image of the very moment when the line had broken and the bass bag was suspended in air by nothing at all other than the temporal fixation of a photo image!  The reader will find close examination of the right-hand image in Figure 6 to be extremely rewarding.

Figure 6 - Mr L's experimental technique. Note the bass-bag 'in flight' on the right

The Keeping of Records

This is the most essential part of any experiment, and it is with great regret that I must admit the records were a little hard to decipher at first and so there may be some outliers in the results due to transcription errors.  Figure 7 shows the initial approach (left), and the refined approach (right) that we established once we realised how hard it was to extract meaning from the manic scribblings we had collected so far.

Figure 7 - Questionable (left) and systematic (right) record keeping

The Crash Pad

Now you, the most venerable and eagle-eyed reader, will of course be thinking "But what of this 'crash pad' that is mentioned in the schematic above?"

Figure 8 - Motivation for using a 'crash pad'

As can be seen in Figure 8, the act of repeatedly dropping cans of tomatoes, pears and beans onto a concrete floor will eventually yield a predictable and gruesome result.  In order to prevent further mésaventure avec des légumes, it was deemed sensible to put a pillow on the floor to absorb the impact of the bass-bag when it dropped

The Results

Figure 9 - The laboratory

With great pleasure, may we present the results of our experimentations.  Excluding obvious outliers from the results, the average breaking strengths of the knots are summarised below.  Note that a standard weight of two tomato cans was present in the bass bag before the pear cans were added.

KnotTier# Pear CansAverage Breaking Weight% of breaking strength
Palomar KnotThe Wandering Rod3,3,4,3,3,31.95kg67%
Clinch (5 turns)The Wandering Rod1,11.35kg47%
Clinch (7 turns)The Wandering Rod4,4,42.17kg75%
ClinchMr L.3,4,5,5,4,5,42.25kg78%

Table 2 - Tippet-hook knot results

Conclusion: a well lubricated and dressed clinch knot, with 7 not 5 turns, performed reliably well.  It occurs to the author that the '5 turn' clinch knot, that performed so poorly, may have effectively been a 4 turn knot due to half a turn unwinding during the threading of the tag through the eye.

We can say with confidence that the Palomar knot has been proven to be weaker than the clinch knot.

KnotTier# Pear CansAverage Breaking Weight% of breaking strength
Figure Eight
in video at 3m54s
The Wandering Rod3,4,42.08kg72%
Figure Eight
in video at 3m54s
Mr L.4,3,52.17kg75%
Surgeon'sThe Wandering Rod†,†,†,†UnmeasurableMore than 75%
Surgeon'sMr L.†,†,†,52.45kgMore than 84%
Blood KnotMr L.42.17kg75%
Double-ClinchThe Wandering Rod42.17kg75%

Table 3 - Leader-tippet knot results

† indicates measurements where the tippet-hook knot broke and the surgeon's knot held.  These 'non-breakages' were not shown for the other knots.  The surgeon's knot proved to be the strongest knot and without a stronger knot to test it against, the breaking strength was not directly measurable!

The Blood Knot proved incredibly tricky to tie, particularly since the two lines being joined have different diameters (.3mm vs .178mm).  More often than not the tippet turned into a mess of line that wrapped itself around the leader, which itself had gone straight.  Mr L. laboured at great length and only produced one blood knot that he deemed of sufficient quality to be tested meaningfully.  We propose that this knot be relabelled "The Blood Sweat and Tears Knot"

Figure 10 - Mr L's "Blood Sweat and Tears Knot"

Admittedly, upon further analysis of the literature we realised that The Blood Knot is not recommended when joining lines of different diameters.  We concur.

Conclusion: the surgeon's knot outperformed the 'Figure of Eight', which is surprising considering the strong support that the Figure of Eight knot has in other forums.  Note that the Surgeon's knot can also be described as a 'two turn water knot'.

Summary and Observations

For the time being we will certainly be using the Surgeon's knot to join leader to tippet, and the 7 turn clinch knot to join tippet to hook.

The experiment raises some questions that should be investigated in subsequent sessions:
  1. A means of testing the breaking strength of the surgeon's knot needs to be devised  
  2. Would a 3 or 4 turn water knot outperform the 2 turn water knot a.k.a surgeon's knot?  
  3. What are the breaking strengths of the clinch knot when a different number of turns are made?
It is raining so much outside, I expect to see fish swim past the window any moment now.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Lake of Menteith / Loganlea Reservoir

On the weekend of 14-15 April, The Rod headed up to Scotland for a spot of fishing and banter with Doctor Pip.

Aye, Lake of Menteith is beautiful! - although rather chilly when in the shade this time year!  At just over an hour's strike from Edinburgh what a great way to escape the hustle and bustle!

Behold the venerable Doctor Pip at the helm, in his finest tweed hunting cap.

Sadly we hobbled away from Lake of Menteith having caught nothing more than a touch of sunburn.  It was a pleasant outing, nonetheless!

The next day we headed for Loganlea Reservoir and had better luck.  Behold, a man playing a trout!

Behold, a trout being played!

By all accounts, the trout was two pounds of pure muscle, diving several times for the bottom of the reservoir while on the hook.  Eventually it was brought under control and agreed to pose briefly for a photo,

Before being downsized to fit within the smoker...

Smoked with Alder

And consumed

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Syon Park - Easter Friday

Hark ye Anglers! On this broodily overcast Easter Friday, I did head to Syon Park fishery to test out the new kit!  Syon Park is the home of the Duke of Northumberland.  It is but 30 min from London Waterloo station (Oyster card works - take Twickenham train to Syon Lane).  The homestead looks like this:

Verily, the lake is picturesque! - asides from the planes flying overhead you wouldn't know you were in Zone 4!

In two hours I had indeed bagged three fish - the biggest being 2 3/4lb.

The day membership is 11 of your English pounds, and four "fish tickets" are 34 more... not cheap, but for the location...

A selection of the flies tested is shown below: damsels, cruncher, buzzer, cormorant...

All said and done, I did in fact catch all three fish on the same fly.  To find out which, you should come to the next club night and ask!  Interestingly the size 16 damsel (bottom left) was very popular with the fish - I had 5 takes in 10 minutes - but, alas, the fish would not stay on.  A shortcoming of a small hook?  It occurs to me also that the bead may further restrict the bite of the hook...

Quel horror!! - I did lose a couple of hooks!!   The line broke both times at the tippet-fly knot.  It is but anecdotal evidence of course, but this ceased to happen once I switched to using the infamous Palomar Knot, and ensuring that I lubricated the knot thoroughly before tightening (saliva, if you must ask).

Stomach report: small black bugs.  God knows what they are:

The result - three fish pies, two fish in the freezer (frozen in a bag of water) - read on!

Fish Pies, part one...

The club BBQ & smoker has not arrived yet, so we decided to invest the Syon Park haul in fish pies.  

Keen for something simple and quick I followed this recipe, noting from another site that to 'just' cook a trout, one should wrap it in foil and bake it in an oven at 200degC for 15 minutes, then leave it out of the oven for 20 minutes without opening the foil.  I can attest to the efficacy of this method!  The trout was cooked through and very juicy. 

A couple of bay-leaves added to the gut cavity of the trout before baking didn't make it taste noticeably different, but definitely gave the impression of being a more sophisticated & garnished approach.

Overall the pies were well received, although the use of rice mystified some.

Next time I propose to follow the well-researched recipe proposed by this indefatigable chef.

Dost thou have trout in your freezer?

Found a great trick to keep fish better in the freezer: freeze them in a block of ice.  Not only does it look brilliant, it keeps the fish from getting 'freezer burn'
If the fish were a bit smaller, a milk carton cut lengthways would be even better, and would allow the trout to be stacked like bricks.  I say, Fridge tetris anyone?? Due to the rather large size of the trout above, I utilised zip-lock bags instead.

Defrost in the fridge, not at room temperature.  That said, it takes a LONG time for a block of ice to thaw in the fridge!  Try putting the block of ice into a pot of water, in the fridge

Kitting Up!

So! You haven't fished seriously since you were knee-high and you can't remember at all what kind of gear you had because it all just magically appeared in your hands and you never bought any yourself (thanks, papa!)

What does one do in such a bewildering situation? The answer is thus: One reads every single post on the fine fly fishing forum site "", and comes to the following conclusions...
  1. Rod and line weight: 6-weight, 9 foot seems to be the agreed 'all rounder' weight and length for trout fishing in lakes and rivers.  [In retrospect it may be a tad light for lake fishing, but still serviceable provided you aren't trying to go against the wind too much]
  2. Rod: If you have plenty of money left over in your inheritance after buying that chalet in France, then according to these guys, the Hardy Zenith is the dogs' cremaster (400+ pounds).  The rest of us (who over-extended ourselves on the chalet) should be well satisfied with a fine rod from the "Shakespeare" company.  The Odyssey is heavily recommended (30 quid).  I myself, planning to take my kit on many journeys abroad (often on the sly...), opted for the 7 piece Expedition (44 quid).
  3. Reel: again, there seems to be a lot of agreement on aforementioned forum that the Okuma Airframe is reel-ly great.  Having bought it I do find that the line does not run against the anodised surface as smoothly as it would if it were steel, but it is adequate.
  4. Line: Aye matey, one would want to be talkin' to the Pitsford Pirate about that!  Weight-forward, while not traditional, seems to have a lot of support.  Whether the trout care about the colour is a topic of much debate.  Personally I recommend looking at the underside of the nearest Spitfire aeroplane, and observing that it is painted white in order to match the colour of the sky that would be seen from below.  Fluorescent orange could be pretty spiffy for fishing at nightclubs, although a bottle of bubbly may yield a more successful catch.  Happy to be proved wrong on that and would be curious to meet the haul.
  5. Butt, leader, tippet: Factory-tapered leaders are a faff - get a few rolls of monofilament and tie your own.  There is plenty of sage advice and scientific madness on offer. The goal is to have a relatively smooth transition downwards in line diameter as you approach the fly, so you need to cross reference this table (from leadercalc)

    Table 1
    Recommended Leader Butt Diameters

    Butt Diameter

    Butt Diameter
    3 .45-.50 .017"-.020"
    4 .45-.55 .019"-.021"
    5 .50-.55 .020"-.022"
    6 .55-.60 .021"-.023"
    7 .60-.65 .022"-.024"
    8 .60-.65 .023"-.026"
    9 .60-.70 .024"-.027"

    With this (from maxima):

    I decided to go for just THREE sections in my leader, not SEVEN as suggested by some authors. This is also very close to the sage recommendations made by this gentleman (also mentioned above).  So, my final selections are...
    1. Butt: 20lb Maxima Chameleon (actually Clear would be better since it lies on the surface of the water, but it was not available to me).  Diameter = 0.42mm
    2. Leader: 10lb Maxima Clear.  Diameter = 0.3mm
    3. Tippet: Rio Powerflex 4X.  Diameter = 0.178mm.  In retrospect this is rather light (6.4lb) and a 3X may have been sufficient - have a look at this table, again from leadercalc.

      Recommended Fly Sizes for Tippets







For a fly box I highly recommend getting a foam box as this will float when you invariably drop it in the river.  I also decided to get a good quality pair of stainless steel scissor/plier things as asides from the rod (and frying pan) this is the tool used most heavily when fishing.

The final assembled kit looks like this:

(A spare spool and sinking line is yet to come)